August 25, 2008

Huang-di Yellow Emperor黄帝

"Huang di" also "Yellow Emperor", was one of the legendary Chinese emperors. Huang di was lived in about 2600BC, he was borned in XinZheng, Henan province, and buried at QiaoShan(also named as HuangLing, this was named after Hunag di), ShanXi province. It was said, Huang di was borned at the second day in the second month in Chinese Calendar.

Huang di was deemed as the main ancestor of all Han and some Minority nation. His victory in the war with Chi You at the Battle of Zhuolu is seen as the establishment of the Han Chinese nationality.

Chinese said, Huang di is the inventor of writing, the compass, the pottery wheel, and the breeding of silkworms(actually, this was said invented by Huand di's wife).

Huangdi has been credited with written (collaborated by his physician) "Huangdi Neijing (黄帝内經 Inner Canon of Huangdi)", the principles of Traditional Chinese medicine. However, modern historiographers generally consider this book to be compiled about 200BC, more than 2000years later.(But it doesn't means Huang di done nothing on medicine, the book was named after Huang di, it would be some kind of commemorate).

Huangdi Neijing

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