Pangu(盘古), also known as PunkGod in English. In Chinese legend, Pangu created the world by separating the initail formless chaos gas into the sky and the earth, the sky is Yan(阳).
It was said, in the beginning, the universe was like an egg and there was only formless chaos in the egg.
Pangu sleeping in the egg for over 18,000 years. Then one day, he woke up and cracked the egg into pieces. By separating the heavy and light parts of the egg, he created the sky and the earth. Pangu stood on the earth and held up the sky using his hands, and then he had grown with the sky until the form of the world for another 18,000 years. The distance from Earth and Sky at the end of the 18,000 years would have been 65,700,000 feet, or over 12,443 miles.
After that, Pangu died(or rest), and his body become part of the earth, says his breath became the wind; his voice the thunder; eyes become the sun and moon; his body became the mountains; his blood formed rivers; his muscles the fertile lands; his hair the stars and milky road; his fur the bushes and forests; his bones the valuable minerals; his bone marrows sacred diamonds; his sweat fell as rain.
So Chinese think Pangu as the creator of the universe, and the earlyest, strongest god, and the father of civilization.
The lengend of Pangu was first come out at Three Kingdoms (三國) period(about 220AD).
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